
A New Project


For a while now I’ve been wanting to do a small project using C# so that I can learn more about the language and a bit of a framework aswell.


The project should be something a little out of my current reach, so that I can expand my knowledges, but still be realistic, so I don’t get discouraged halfway through the project. So I chose a calculator app.

Still, that is not really out of my reach, basics C# skills could help you make a console based calculator app. This is where the web part comes in. I want the calculator to be put on a website and for this I need more than a few basics C# skills, I need to learn a bit about the ASP .NET Core, about Blazor, how to make Razor Pages and more.

Additionally, from what I researched on the Internet, it’s much easier to deploy such an web app on the cloud than on your own servers (or in my case Github Pages) so the calculator app will be deployed using Microsoft Azure thanks to their free student tier. The link will be available on this blog so stay tuned.


As I write this, I remember I should learn for my finals which are close by, and also my level at some of this courses is really subpar to say at least. Whith that in mind, I’ll try to firstly learn about how I can build this ideea of mine up until the finals period, and after those darn exams are hopefully aced, I’ll really get down to it.

Until then, I’ll do small updates on whatever I do regarding this project.
