
E Puck Wall Following Program

Pathfinding robot in a maze

Finding the shortest path outside a maze following a wall

How it works

-The robot must always begin from the left side (the left wall).

-The start line and the finish line are physically denoted by two small black tapes on the floor.

-The robot has four phases:

  1. Following the left wall from the start towards the finish line.
  2. Once arrived at the finish line, it stores the distance from the start line to the finish using left wall. It then continues its run along the same left wall.
  3. At the start line once again in stores the distance of the right wall.
  4. A last run is made following the shortest wall found towards the finish line.

Structure of the code

The code is modularized in 4 different modules that are connected through an header file with the main source as shown below

Screenshot from 2024-01-04 14-14-56
